This page is currently a draft and will being updated frequently due to our constantly changing requirements. Please star or follow this page to be notified of changes.
In this stage, we focus on initializing the different open-source components of Flagbase. The outcome of this project will determine whether we continue pursuing this endeavor or not. We will use this stage to validate the idea. During this stage we will focus on developing our OSS components. We will also lay the foundations for our development practices and build a strong engineering community.
Read our blog post for more details regarding the MVP (aka stage 0).
Success Metrics
We’ll use the following metrics to determine whether or not we’ll continue with this project. We expect to satisfy these conditions by:
Stars >= 100
Forks >= 30
Discussion posts >= 100
Note: we will need to filter out internal stat boosters. We can’t count our own stars, forks, discussion posts etc, in order to ensure integrity.
MVP requirements
As a user, I’m able to manage feature flags via the core’s REST API.
As a user, I’m able to target users by a set of rules I specify, which can also be weighted.
As a developer, I’m able to use the Javascript SDK to get evaluated feature flags for a particular project.
As a user, I want to group users based on their characteristics programmatically, so that I can reuse targeting rules for particular groups, given that I’m authorized.
Client-side Javascript SDK that developers can use to get evaluated feature-flags
Relevant Tickets
Client API
As a developer, I want to construct a client via a singleton, given I can modify the instance configuration later in runtime, so I only need one instance of the client in my application.
As an SDK consumer, I want to frequently get evaluated flagsets, given that I provide the relevant observer context (i.e. traits), so I can display the correct flag variation that observer.
Intro: As a potential customer, I want to know more about Flagbase, so I can get an higher-level overview, before I decide to use the service given that I visit
Guides: As a developer, I want to know more about Flagbase concepts, such as workspace, projects, flags, targeting …, given that I visit
SDKs: As a developer, I want to learn more about how I can use the various SDKS, given that I visit
Core: As a developer, I want to know how I can set up the core, so that I can deploy it in a trusted VPC given that I visit
API Docs: As a developer. I want to know how I can leverage the REST API, so that I can manage resources programmatically given that I visit
Overview: As a developer, I want to get an overview of what I need to know, so that I can start contribute to the project given that I visit
Architecture: As a developer, I want to know more about the core and how the SDKs interact with the core, to gain more confidence about the system given that I visit